Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Generation Gap

Age to age it always seem that no generation under stands the next. I myself find it hard to understand my own children, while all the while I still do not quite understand my parents. My parents try to tell me something and I find myself just nodding my head in agreement, and the whole time I am thinking “what on earth are they talking about?”, then when I talk to my kids I see them doing the same thing that I do with my own parents. This is not due to lack of respect, but more to a lack of communication between the generations.
We as people need to find a dialog that allows us to find a common ground to just talk to one another, to pass on information from one generation to the next, one that does not start out with “why don’t you listen to me” but with “tell me about yourself.” This gives a person an opportunity to listen and try to find a common interest on which to share knowledge between each other, opening the door to understanding how one another thinks closing the gap between just another nodding head and glazed look, to a look of complete understanding and a meaningful conversation among all the generations. So next time we speak whether old or young, don’t just think I know what you are talking about, let’s find a common place that we both know and we can both talk and close the gap a little.

By: Christmusic92

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