My Brother and Sister's In Christ,
I can't tell you how many pastors e-mail me feeling like a failure because they can't emulate what pastors of the "success at all cost" mindset are doing.
My heart goes out to the pastors of small congregations, especially in rural areas. They may be Spirit filled dynamic preachers and teachers and devoted counselors and soul winners; but because they can't (or have no desire to) draw in huge numbers of people by structuring their congregation around the interest of and what entertains the communities they minister in, they are looked down upon by many.
Sadly, a great number of "small" churches are closing their doors.
A dear friend of 25 years who is one of the ministers at really good church (that isn't technically classified as small) tells me they losing members right and left to the mega churches that offer: “The best of the world inside the walls of the church.”
Not too long ago, my friend's congregation was one of the most Biblically balanced (but not strangled by tradition) congregations in the CSRA. (That's the Central Savannah River Area for those of you who live in other parts of the country.)
The doctrinally conservative Christians (not to imply they are against change for the good) are frustrated and confused. Once they leave a congregation that is self destructing by trying (but not being able to afford to) adapt to the "success driven" movement, they are in essence giving up on "the local church" concept all together.
Change is here, but it is not born out of the Holy Spirit. May God have mercy upon us.
Brother Jerry H. Miller /
Monday, October 8, 2007
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