A good message from Sister Carla @ http://www.gospelines.com/
"If you fear the Lord and serve and obey Him and do not rebel against His commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the Lord your God - good! But if you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel against His commands, His hand will be against you, as it was against your fathers."(1 Samuel 12:14-15 - NIV)
Are you ever awake in the middle of the night when the only offering on TV is infomercials?
How about the one asking us to purchase a product that will lessen or eradicate our blemishes and wrinkles? Puh-leeze!
Naturally, for some, it’s difficult not to buy into the promise, the hype. It’s just another fad to make us feel good, so we won’t feel bad about our perceived imperfections.
How mysterious we must be to God when we attempt to please others or to meet some ideal. I wonder if He recognizes us.
We seem to follow the latest fads, defining ourselves by what the world says about us – often by titles, perceived power and prestige, material trappings and extreme makeovers; always seeking reaffirmation and adulation from others.
Contrary to popular opinion and against the advice of infomercials, I choose to swim against the current! I’ve tried the other path and gained little in the big scheme of things. But, God lifted me and I need not worry about the current; I just need to hear and obey His word.
In His Love,
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