I was asked by a friend to describe what I think an active church goer looked like, so here goes...
I believe being active in the church means that you agree to be a part of a fellowship of believers that exist primarily for those who are not yet part of us...
The active church is a group of people who do not fall for the old wives-tale that has been prevelant in the church for the last 50 or so years that says we are a people who are "going to church" and instead the active church goer wants to "be the Church". An active church member is one who is tired of what they have been offered over the years as worship and simply wants more. They gather together and are led by the Spirit in their search to be better followers of Jesus. I think that many Christian denominations have conditioned us to be inward in our journey, looking toward the health of the local church and denomination through membership and programs, rather than being outwardly focused on the people who are traveling this world without a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Simply put the active church goer is one who is a part of a Christian community. This community is modeled for us in Acts chapter two. An active church member is not primarily a care giver or a hand holder. An active church is not a nursing home for sedentary Christians, it is a factory for the training, equipping, and deploying of disciples. Active church members are those Christians who realize our mission is to reach out to those who normally would never consider Christianity or ever desire to be a part of a church community.
Active church members take part in fruitful discussion, and are not caught up in the normal gossip that travels around the church these days. Active church members ensure the level of their discussion is deep and thoughtful, and is accessible enough to engage anyone, follower of Jesus or not, in dialogue and fellowship. Active church members are people who have a deep seeded hope to see those who are disillusioned with their current church experience drawn to a fellowship that is missional. Active church members, like Jesus seek those who feel as if they could never "fit in" to most churches to be a welcome part of their fellowship.
To put it plainly active church members are disciples who are fully immersed in the great commission of Matthew 28. Active church members see the primary reason for gathering as worship, the adoration of God. They come together to fulfill the mysterious formula that Jesus spoke of when he said; where two or more are gathered in his name, he would be there. Secondary is the study and fellowship that prepares them to reach out to a dying world with the words of life.
The active church goer is one that you don’t find often in the church these days. Therefore active churches are scarce too. I think the reason so many people are turned off by church is that they do not find active churches out there, if there were more active churches and active church leaders, there would be more active church goers…
What do you think?
"Active church members ensure the level of their discussion is deep and thoughtful, and is accessible enough to engage anyone, follower of Jesus or not, in dialogue and fellowship."
I am not sure I follow this completely. I know two very illiterate, uneducated active church going men who have had God inspired life changing experiences through their salvation and acceptance of Jesus Christ. They are in my opinion dedicated servants and more God fearing than most of the folks I see in church today. There time is God's time as they give it freely and to the sacrifice of much of their lives and resources. These active church going men could only tell another person that God has changed them. I am sure I have missed something or do not understand the quoted statement above? Help!
I believe those men that you say are able to express that Jesus saved them, and that their lives have been changed somehow even if they don't know exactly how, are engaging in thoughtful conversation about Jesus. The point I was trying to make here is that an active church member knows what they believe and know how to share it in a way that is not hurtful or coarse. Too many Christians see the bible as a weapon instead of a tool. I am sure those men are exactly what I am thinking of when I think of active church goers. Thanks for the comment.
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