Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Why Many Christians Are Missing From Church Pews

I hope to wake many of you up to the truth that the church is not a building or a government sanctioned “non profit organization.” Neither is the Church a man governed “club” made up of “members” who have “joined” its ranks.

Many believers who love the Lord with all their hearts just cannot "stomach" what is popularly become referred to as "doing church." Vast numbers of Christians have reached their tolerance limit of the petty politics and procedures of what the "church" has become preoccupied with.

The true church is the body of Jesus Christ; consisting of people of all races, nationalities, and social / economic / groups who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

The “mission” of the church is not to erect beautiful buildings or to have programs and activities to entertain people. While we want to see as many people accept Christ as possible, a congregation’s mission is not to become the biggest and most financially prosperous “church” in the community.

As individual Christians, we are to go into the world and spread the gospel. The purpose and emphasis of a Christian congregation is not a constant “evangelist service.” Christians are to gather together to edify one another, teach believers the Word and will of God, and to worship the Lord.

Sadly, many (by no means all) congregations expend the energy and time when they are together trying to: constantly raise funds, fuss among themselves about the congregation’s by-laws and constitution, rail against “the heathens,” complain about who isn’t in attendance, argue about the failures of the American government, and try to come up with ways to increase the membership without anyone but the pastor seeking to win the lost to Jesus. Entire services, week in and week out are focused on the one lost soul who might just possibly be in the meeting.

In the mean time, Christians are not being taught, corrected, edified, or prayed for. People gather in their little “clicks” and pretty much ignore anyone else present. And God have mercy on the poor brave soul who comes forward to confess some sin they have secretly committed!

I Don't Want Anyone To Give Up On Local Congregations That Regulairly Meet For The Glory Of God And The Edification Of Fellow Believers. But unless congregations return to the Biblical reason why Christians are to gather with one another, the congregation will become nothing more than social club with its own agenda that God IS NOT going to bless.

I don't have convince you that what we commonly refer to as "church" has to change. The only congregations that are increasing in numbers are the "name it and claim it, feel good about yourself, prosperity and perpetual health" previsions of the true body of Christ that offer aerobics, day care, after school programs to keep kids entertained, and perfectly "staged and rehearsed" services.

Do not fear my brothers and sisters; even if what we now think of as “church” withers into self serving country clubs, the body of Christ is not going to "disappear." Just don't set your expectations on devoted and seeking Christians to continue to participate in "doing church."

Your devoted friend and brother in Christ,

Brother Jerry / brothermiller1@charter.net

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