Monday, August 27, 2007

Why should we Emerge?

The Emerging movement is big in England, and may have its roots there. Whether that is true or not the reason for the movement seems to be a little familiar to what I see going on here in our churches...

Here is something from an article by George Lings entitled: What is Emerging Church?

What kick-started emerging church in the UK? Our best guesses are:
The observation that when young people grew up to be “adults”, they didn’t “fit” into “adult church”; a cultural gap not just a generational gap existed. (See Graham Cray’s Grove Evangelism Booklet no.57).

The church planting trend in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s proved we had good intentions regarding mission but missed the opportunity to think creatively about what sort of churches were needed. (See Stuart Murray’s & my Grove Evangelism no.61).

The statistical evidence that 40% of the population in England and Wales have never been to Church and have no residuary awareness of Christianity and no experience of church (Gone But Not Forgotten by Francis & Richter). For many, Jesus continues to be as deeply attractive as church is deeply alien.

A growing unease within Christians that what happens on a Sunday often fails to connect with the other areas of their lives.

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